Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Here's to a New Year~ 2009!

So, tomorrow starts a New Year and I am praying that things go a lot better and not just for me but for everyone. Here is a list of things I DON'T want to happen in 2009!

10. I don't want a child who whines when they don't get what they want.
9. I don't want things to go wrong every turn I take on the simplest task or take 3 hours longer to get done then it would for someone else.
8. I don't want to gain another pound.
7. I don't want to step another piece of dog food in my kitchen.
6. I don't want to say, "Because I said so and I am the adult!"
5. I don't want to break another cell phone.
4. I don't want to hurt my back or ankle again.
3. I don't want to say, "I must have maid or servant written on my forehead!"
2. I don't want to turn on the news to see only negative things about conservative Christians and God and prayer being removed from everything in America.
1. I don't want to organize and clean up a spot only to turn around and find it a mess again the next day.

~and now what I DO want to have happen in 2009!

10. I do want lots of hugs and kisses from my kids.
9. I do want things to go perfectly smooth at every turn.
8. I do want to lose 300 pounds.
7. I do want a dog that eats like a perfect gent.
6. I do want to hear , "Yes, mom - no problem mom."
5. I do want to keep in touch more with family.
4. I do want to watch every step I take is with God in the front leading the way.
3. I do want the kids to help out a little more with keeping the house clean. Note to self ....add more chores to the chore chart.
2. I do want to see wonderful positive news about my Christian faith and more people coming to know our Lord and Savior around the world and stepping into the light of His love.
1. I do want an organized, clean house, but I also want to remember that, that should not take precedence over a happy home for my family filled with memories of mommie reading, doing crafts and tickling.

I pray that you and your families have a wonderful blessed New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Still love him....mustard and all!

My hubby loves mustard with his pretzels. He also seems to love making stains on his shirts.
He was squirting mustard the other on his stick pretzels right over his plate, no napkin, no kitchen towel. So what happens? A big squirt of mustard gets on his shirt. I start laughing and can't stop.

He cleans it up and then proceeds to eat his pretzels with mustard again. Do you think he learned from this experience? Do you think he would have gotten a paper towel or something? No, he does not and squirts mustard on his shirt again. Yes, again!

I just laugh and shake my head. And they wonder why we call them idiots. These are the moments I say to myself, how does he get a raise or promotion at work when he does dumb things like this at home?

I still love him though. Mustard and all.

My bottom tooted

Jessie, who is my 4 yr old little girl woke-up the night and stood at the top of the stairs. Her daddy asked her what was wrong and she replied in all seriousness, "My bottom tooted and woke me up and that means I need to go to the potty." She is our stubborn child who can try our nerves when she does not want to budge from what she wants and then turn around and make you laugh and melt your heart. We should start praying for her husband now, because he will have his hands full.

We are blessed.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Hunt Continues

So, there is a new family run Christian bookstore in Wake Forest and my hubby went to check it out the other day. I checked it out a few weeks backs when I just needed to get out without the family. He bought a few things for the kids for Christmas and bought me a button that says -It's okay to say Merry Christmas. He also tells me that he put 2 shirts aside that he really liked for himself. So, with Christmas coming I took that as a hint to buy them for him. Like any other normal person would....right??

The kids and I went to the store yesterday to buy him the shirts and they were excited to buy daddy a present. So, I ask the gentleman behind the counter, who happens to be the owner about the shirts my husband put on hold. He says, "he's the guy from New York?'....and I say "yes, he is from New York." He continues to tell me how he is from New York too and starts looking for the shirts. He can't find them.

I start looking around the store giving him a few minutes to look for them and telling Jessie to stop touching everything. She is my toucher - if you can reach it, she will touch it - even after telling her not to. This girl just can't help herself. Noah never did that...he would listen and not touch.

So, I come back and he says the shirts are not there. He says we would not have put them back....and asks me, "did he pick them up?" I said, "I didn't see any new shirts to wash." So, we chat a bit, he calls his wife and asks her if the guy from New York came and picked up the shirts and she said, "yes, but just one."

My hubby can be such a......dare I say idiot which I picked up from watching Everybody Loves Raymond- side note we loved that show - no more good, fun comedy shows anymore.

So, I look around the store for a bit to see if we can find something nice for daddy, but no luck. Hubby does not wear ties, has no need for a very nice pen and reads only certain books - he is not a reader. Meanwhile, both kids have gone potty, Noah started a chess game with a friend we ran into from church and Jessie has rearranged the furniture and asked if I could buy her a million things.

So, we get back to the car and I call him and fuss at him....poor guy. He just wanted a shirt and he has been working very hard the past couple of weeks. Especially yesterday - he did not get home from work till after 12:30am and he started at 8:00am. He actually had to go back to work this morning - a Saturday for a few hours because they weren't done with installing the new phones. He says he can't wait for the overtime check and I can't wait to find him a Christmas gift.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Guess what he's getting for Christmas?

So, I did some laundry yesterday after the whole dirty shirt episode - although he does have clean shirts- but only one load because I only had sample packages of laundry detergent left that I have gotten for FREE from in their FREE SAMPLE section. Hubby decides at 11:30 at nite after I am already in bed that he wants to do a load of laundry so he can wash his jeans. Mind you he only wears 2 pairs right now and they are a mess with a tear in one, pen stains in the other and I have been telling him for at least 2 months to get some new jeans.
So, after about 10 minutes he comes up and asks me where's the laundry detergent.

Now mind you I usually have at least 2-4 bottles of laundry detergent because I use coupons and catch the sales - not tonight. So, I tell him we have none he walks off frustrated and does not let me tell him there are 2 sample packages.

The man is on a mission to look "nice" for his new bosses at work. And this is funny, because in the past he has gone to work with holes in his shirt, making me feel like a horrible wife - but it didn't bother him a bit until now. He is so concerned about the way he looks for them it's a little funny and a little upsetting. Upsetting, because he doesn't seem to mind to look bad in front of me, his wife wearing shirts with holes.

So, guess what he's getting for Christmas....jeans and some new shirts.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So, does this make me a bad wife?

Okay, so I am half asleep this morning when my hubby asks, "are the clothes in this basket clean?" I think for a minute and say, "yes." -thinking that's it the load I remember pulling out of the dryer yesterday.

Well, I sit down at the computer, as he drives off to work and look towards the laundry room and see a big basket of dirty clothes and say to myself, "oh no he meant that basket!" and laugh. He just went to work with a dirty shirt on. Now, mind you there are a bunch of clean shirts for him upstairs, but he chose one from down here....why??? I don't know.

So, does this make me a bad wife?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

She's only 4 years old!

Okay, you know you're in trouble when your daughter has a conversation on the phone for 10 minutes and she's only 4 years old!

I was talking to my sister-in-law the other day and her niece who is 5 happened to be there and one thing lead to another and Jessie and her ended up on the phone together. Jessie talked about how she attacks her daddy when he gets home from work, how her brother was at his piano class, how old she is, can she go to her cousins birthday party, she loves her art class, etc. I could not believe the conversation that went on, oh and this is while she was sitting in front of the computer because she was playing on
So, should we take bets on how old she will be when she starts asking for her own phone?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'll I want for Christmas is.....

Someone asked this question on my MOPS message board and thought I might ask y'all...what's on your Christmas list?

This is my Christmas wish.....that my hormones would go back to the way they were before children.

a gift certificate for a maid for a year.

a 1 week vacation - every month.

a year of FREE groceries.

a that bad for the environment?

a Barbie Doll figure....with a little more hips though....come on look how old she is and she still looks good.

Oh, do you want a real list? hehe!

I really dont have a wish list this year for myself...just a prayer that my children and family are safe, healthy, blessed and remember to keep God at the front of everything.

Monday, December 1, 2008

TOP SECRET Thanksgiving

As I sat down to EAT and celebrate another Thanksgiving with my hubby's family and without my family from Los Angeles I reflected on the many holiday meals I had with my family. My grandma made the best stuffing and when she did the turkey which was most of the time she got up very early and I loved waking up to the yummy smell of turkey cooking. When uncle Joe was around-he made the most moist turkey you ever had. Everything always tasted so good. I really looked forward to enjoying a good Thanksgiving meal. The pies came from Marie Calendars and everything was so good....did I say sooooooooo good? It really was.

What I am about to tell you is TOP secret....don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but I am sad to say now that's not the case. Please don't get me wrong I appreciate my hubby's side of the family and love them dearly and I enjoy the fact I don't have to cook a turkey since one, my hubby is a vegetarian and two, I probably would not get it right myself but I truly miss a really, really good, tasty Thanksgiving meal.

My hubby feels the same even though he really only eats the mashed potatoes , corn and biscuits. He had me promise to come home and make him mashed potatoes over the weekend. He LOVES my mashed potatoes and really, really dislikes everyone else's. It could be my secret ingredient.

I wonder if it really is the way the food is cooked or if I just miss my family from Los Angeles....I think I will go with the way the food is cooked.

And yes that's my grandma cooking a turkey. I love her to pieces!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Is it bedtime yet?

Okay this is going to sound kind of weird, but have you ever thought of what your hubby/ spouse would say about you at your funeral when you died? I don't know...but when I see tv shows and they start saying, she was a loving wife, a caring mom who always put her kids first and so patient...she was a wonderful cook and her door was always open....she kept a spotless house....she helped out all the time and never said no....she was the perfect wife, mother and friend.

Is that you? Maybe it is and God bless you for being able to pull it all together. But I know that's not me because by 1pm I'm usually already done for the day after....getting hubby out the door, kids breakfast, hopefully having my bible study time, reading email, the news and other blogs( I need my morning dose and laugh), doing dishes, laundry-the millionth load, breaking up 6 squabbles, picking pillows up off the floor that belong on the sofa for the 10th time that morning, homeschooling my 7 year old and being interrupted 10 times by my 4 year old-which seems to only happen when I am homeschooling, vacuuming, sweeping, and sometimes already getting dinner ready for that evening and who knows what else I am tired and ready for bed.

I joke with my hubby when those moments come on tv shows. He would probably say nothing close to what they say. It might go something like this.....I should have known when I married a girl that I met on the internet and that was from Los Angeles...she tried to provide a comfortable home for her family...she tried to be patient...she made a great mac n cheese....the house was clean when company came over....I know she loved to sleep, she loved her children when they were sleeping, she was her most happiest when she was could always find her in her favorite spot-the bed ,sleeping.

Is it bedtime yet?

Friday, November 21, 2008

What a difference a nite makes...

As I drifted off into to never, never land last nite I thought about a few things to write about on my blog and some of it was even funny. Well, at least I thought so. But wouldn't you know it this morning I am drawing a blank.

Perhaps after my morning coffee I will remember what I was thinking about and laughing about so y'all are not left in suspense the whole weekend.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

So, here goes...

I thought I would start a blog after reading others and thought it would be a good place for me to write down my days events good or bad even though I am no writer or comedian.

I also thought it would be nice to have a place to write down things that I am feeling that I may not want to necessarily chat about, but I know that I am getting it out....once again good or bad.

So, here goes........